Supporting Projects

These projects are separate from the Embedded Codebase, and are not uploaded to the car. These projects support the team in various ways, such as debugging. They are linked below.


CAN Message Logger
This program is for logging, filtering, and analyzing recorded or live CAN message. It is intended to be a one-stop-shop for CAN message based debugging and analysis.

TODO: this project is being reworked in Fall 2024

CAN Message Generator
This program generates mock CAN messages for debugging.

Hardware-in-loop testing
This project is the code for a test server used to thoroughly test the Embedded Codebase. The testing server emulates all the inputs into the physical testing board, and analyzes the outputs to determine if the code is working correctly.

TODO: this project will be worked on in Fall 2024

Onboarding Installer Script
This script downloads, installs, and configures the necessary software stack to develop, compile, and upload our embedded code to the car.

CAN Messages Definitions
This repo contains the *.dbc definitions of our various CAN messages.

Team Wiki (this website)
The markdown source code for this wiki is found here.

Telemetry Legacy Codebase

Repo Link
This is the legacy JavaScript-based codebase used by the Telemetry subteam from 2019-2024.

Solar Car Team at UVA