Rivanna3 Development Guide

This page is the main source for explanations about development decisions, and how implemented logic is meant to work at a high-level, for the Rivanna3 Embedded Codebase

Rivanna3 GitHub Link

Project Architecture

Folder Structure: at a high level, the project is structured into folders as follows:

  • Boards: WheelBoard, TelemetryBoard, and PowerBoard hold code for those respective boards
  • Common contains code that is used across the entire project; a significant portion of it is auto-generated
  • MbedOS: mbed-os and TARGET_UVA_SOLAR_CAR contain MbedOS libraries and configuration
  • cmake_build contains the compiled code from across the project that is actually uploaded to the car
  • Legacy: DriverBoard, BatteryBoard, and Motor are legacy boards and code used in Rivanna2S, and are only shown in Rivanna3 for easy reference

CAN: under *board_name*/lib/src for each board there is a file *board_name*CANInterface.cpp that represents the actual CAN connection for each board.

  • To send messages: code in main.cpp calls the send() function, and the message is sent and logged.
  • To receive messages: the message_handler() function waits for CAN messages. When one is received, the function logs the message, and checks if the message is one of the types of CAN messages it is waiting for. If so, the function calls the appropriate handle() function in main.cpp; if not, the message is disregarded.


Signal Flash Handler:


Note: the Telemetry Subteam is responsible for controlling the embedded screen on the WheelBoard; this is just discussion on Embedded’s section of the board


This board is the responsibility of the Telemetry Subteam, see them for help

Solar Car Team at UVA